Hi, I’m Zhicheng He(何智成)

I’m a fourth year undergraduate student from School of CS, Beijing Jiaotong University. My research interest includes medical image processing, large language model and artificial intelligence.

I am very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Xiaoqing Lv of Wangxuan Institute of Computer Technology, Peking University. Meanwhile, I am honored to be recommended by Prof. Hongliang Ren of Ren Lab from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Moreover, I am thrilled to be instructed by Prof. Tengfei Ma of Department of Biomedical Informatics from Stony Brook University, who also agreed to be my recommender.

You can find my CV here: Zhicheng He’s Curriculum Vitae.

My current transcript is: Zhicheng He’s Transcript.

Here is my research proposal recently: Zhicheng He’s Research Proposal.

WeChat / CSDN


I’m currently serving as an intern under guidance of Prof. Xiaoqing Lv and Prof. Hongliang Ren. My final year project is mainly focused on multimodal knowledge graph based recommendation system. I am working on and always seeking opportunities for my applications of 25 fall master or phd degree. I’m eager to get in touch with any potential AI-related projects and supervisors, please feel free to contact me!